Ministry Highlights

These highlights share specific things that we are working on as a church.

August 2024 Board Highlights of our Ministries

The leaders of UFCC met on August 4, 2024 for the regular board meeting. Highlights from that meeting include:

  • The board approved sprucing up the foyer to create a new Welcome Center. Joni Broshar is leading the effort to update the main entrance interior and exterior. We are doing this to help us create the best first impression when guests arrive.
  • The board decided to give $1500 as a one-time extra gift to Brent Messimer’s mission work in Uganda to get everything planted at the farm.
  • Nearly 50 people used the East 40 for the Elevate young adult retreat last weekend (including volunteers).
  • We are currently evaluating all of our missionaries and missions organizations that our church supports.


Mark your calendars for:

  • The August 17 game night will be here at 6 pm.
  • We will be serving at the Putnam County Fair to run the gates on Thursday and the cook shack on Friday. More details forthcoming.
  • Wednesday night church activities will resume on September 11 with supper at 6 pm and classes from 6:30-7:30. Christmas Cadets will rehearse at 6:30 on Wednesdays in the fall. We’re currently putting together the details of the classes that will be offered and will announce that once all teachers are confirmed. If you have questions or input about Wednesday night programming, or want to volunteer, please call the office by this Friday, August 16.
  • We will do Trunk-or-Treat here again on October 31.


Here’s how you can pray for the leaders of our congregation:

  • Pray for wisdom and discernment as topics are discussed and decisions are made.
  • Pray for the evaluation of missionaries and missions organizations as we review all of them this month.
  • The October 19 game night will take place at The Bixler as we will have a trivia night there to support the Rise Up Hygiene Pantry.