Ministry Highlights

These highlights share specific things that we are working on as a church.


The leaders of UFCC met on September 1, 2024 for the regular board meeting. Highlights from that meeting include:

• We have started the search for an associate minister who will have youth responsibilities.

• We evaluated all of our missionaries and organizations we support. While discussing each one, we made some adjustments to become effective January 1, 2025 for monthly financial contributions from the congregation. We will increase our monthly giving to Allan and Karla Contreras (Mexico), I-MO Camp, and Christian Campus House at UCM Warrensburg. We will reduce our monthly giving to Ozark Christian College. When Jessica Ferreira moves back from Brazil (they’re waiting on paperwork), we will no longer fund her family as missionaries.

• After this year we will no longer participate in the Operation Christmas Child program. Instead of that, we will encourage people to help local families in need.

• The exterior doors to this building will be replaced. The brick at the north and west doors will get fixed when those doors are replaced. Ty Couchman and Isaac Houf are working with another company on the bid for this job.

• The board approved that the foyer update will now be larger than a sprucing up as decided last month. Brad Gorkowski is working on this with Joni Broshar.

Mark your calendars for:

• Gene and Becky McCoy will come again next fall, September 28, 2025 to speak and sing.

Here’s how you can pray for the leaders of our congregation:

• Pray for high-quality candidates to come to us for the open associate minister position. Pray that applicants will be mature men of God who will work well in our rural, small-town environment.