These highlights share specific things that we are working on as a church.
The leaders of UFCC met on December 1, 2024 for the regular board meeting. Highlights from that meeting include:
• The board discussed revisions to the weddings & receptions policy and reviewed a proposed facility use policy. Approval of those policies will come at the January meeting.
• The church’s insurance renews on January 1. Brian Felton took time in November to review all current insurance policies and updated the board on companies he has talked to about receiving additional quotes.
• The new exterior doors will now arrive in January and will be installed when the weather is favorable.
• Joni is working on new quotes for the copier lease as it expires in February.
Mark your calendars for the following:
• We will hold a church-wide New Year’s Eve party at McCalment Park Gym 7-12 pm on December 31. It is open to everyone, so bring food, games, and friends! Drinks are provided.
• Our annual congregational meeting is January 5, 2025 at 6 pm.
Here’s how you can pray for our church leaders: Pray for us as we look toward 2025 and leading our congregation into the next year. Continue to pray for our search for a youth/associate minister.
Pray for Jessica Fleshman Ferreira as she and her husband Joao are now in Indiana. They lived in Brazil for nine years as missionaries and will now be stateside. Pray for their job search as they look for work opportunities.