Is Unionville First Christian Church Non-Denominational?
Yes, we are an autonomous Body of believers (this means no outside organization that directs or instructs us). We are led by the authority of the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and Jesus is the Head of His Church (Ephesians 1:22-23).
Our leaders (Elders, Deacons, Ministers) are selected by the members of the congregation based on qualifications given in Scripture (1 Timothy 3:1-10).
How often do you take communion?
We take communion weekly. You do not have to be a member of UFCC to participate. You need to be a baptized believer in Christ. This is a time for baptized believers to remember the body (bread) and the blood (juice) sacrifice of Jesus (Acts 20:7) (1 Corinthians 11:23-29).
If you are a baptized believer in Christ, please take a piece of bread and a cup of juice as it is passed. You can return the juice cup to the serving tray before passing it on. If you do not want to participate, please pass the trays to the next person.
How often do you take offering?
We take an offering in our worship time each week. This is an expression of our gratitude to God and how He provides. If you are a visitor you are welcome to participate, but please do not feel obligated to do so (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).
What type of music can I expect in worship?
Most important is to sing songs that glorify God. This includes a variety in our song services. In our First Service at 8:30 AM, our worship leader leads the congregation in traditional hymns accompanied by a piano. Our Second Service at 10:45 AM is contemporary music led by our praise band.
What should I wear when I come?
We have no dress code but to dress modestly and respectfully. People wear jeans, t-shirts, flip-flops, suits, dresses, shorts, and casual dress.
What is the age-range of your people?
Newborn to 90+.
What size is the church?
First Service average attendance is 45.
Second Service average attendance is 90.
How long is the service?
Each service runs about 60-75 minutes. Sunday School is approximately 45 minutes with classes for all ages.
Are small children welcome in the service?
Yes, absolutely! We have a nursery available for Sunday School and Second Service. However, you are not required to use it.
What do you have for youth and children?
During Sunday School we have nursery for newborn-3 years. Pre-K to Kindergarten starts our children’s classes up to High School. During Second Service there is a nursery for children up to 3 years of age and children’s church for ages 3-1st grade. After the worship and communion time, there is also Junior church for kids in second to fifth grades.
We have Youth Group/Hangout for Jr. High and High School students. This group meets Sunday nights at 6 PM. During the school year we meet on Wednesday nights at 5:30 for a meal then continues for games and learning in God’s Word; on summer Wednesdays we usually meet at 7.